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Торрент софт » Мультимедиа » Аудио » Unfiltered Audio Plugins 2023.3 VST, VST 3, AAX RePack by TCD [En]
Unfiltered Audio Plugins 2023.3 VST, VST 3, AAX RePack by TCD [En]
![Unfiltered Audio Plugins 2023.3 VST, VST 3, AAX RePack by TCD [En] Unfiltered Audio Plugins 2023.3 VST, VST 3, AAX RePack by TCD [En]](/poster/a59e0700ce6de934f198005e341825e4.webp)
Версия программы: 2023.3
Официальный сайт: Unfiltered Audio
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Системные требования:
- Windows: Vista, 7, 8 or 10
- Intel-compatible CPU with SSE2 instruction set (minimum 2 GHz recommended)
- 2 GB RAM
- Host: DAW или любая другая программа поддерживающая работу VST 2/3, AAX
Набор из восьми эффект плагинов(BassMint, LO-FI-AF, Needlepoint, Sandman Pro, Silo, Tails, TRIAD, ZIP) от Unfiltered Audio для музыкального творчества и работы со звуком.
Машинный перевод
Bass-Mint — это новый инновационный инструмент от Unfiltered Audio, предназначенный для быстрого улучшения нижних частот ваших отдельных треков, стемов и даже целых миксов. Он построен вокруг пяти различных режимов, каждый из которых имеет пять тщательно настроенных ручек, которые помогут вам резко лепить и улучшать ваши миксы.
Он построен на пяти различных режимах, каждый из которых оснащен пятью тщательно настроенными регуляторами, которые помогут вам эффектно создавать и улучшать ваши миксы.
Multiband enhancement for separately processing lower and upper frequencies
5 carefully-tuned bass processing modes: Saturate, Resonate, Octave, Synthesize, and Overfold
Minimalist layout with 5 simple, intuitive knobs for dialing in ideal sounds
6 additional toggles to automatically engage popular low end mixing tricks
Instant feedback from onboard Visualizer to see real-time spectral change
LO-FI-AF отправит вас в путешествие по вашим любимым звуковым артефактам последних нескольких десятилетий. Используя импульсные характеристики, формирование спектра и другие методы, он воспроизводит особенности всего - от виниловых пластинок и аналоговых радиоприемников до MP3, компакт-дисков, кассет, мобильных телефонов и не только.
Unfiltered Audio поднимает планку с помощью Needlepoint: революция в имитации винила. Обладая полным набором передовых технологий физического моделирования, он позволяет глубоко погрузиться в теплое, нечеткое звучание шумов проигрывателя. Используйте его тонко для одной из самых убедительных доступных виниловых эмуляций или отодвиньте иглу далеко за пределы реализма, чтобы получить несколько серьезно искаженных звуков.
Sandman Pro
С момента своего выпуска Sandman от Unfiltered Audio поразил инженеров по микшированию, звукорежиссеров и ди-джеев своей гениальностью.
Дилей плагин с сильным нарколептическим уклоном, Sandman использует свой Sleep mode для замораживания буфер дилея для создания потрясающих лупов и зернистости, которым можно изменять высоту тона, уменьшать сэмплирование, воспроизводить в обратном порядке, загрязнять шумом и модулировать - преобразуя и мутируя звуки до неузнаваемости!
Используя очень короткое время задержки, Sandman попеременно становится фленджером, stutter генератором, волновым синтезатором или перкуссионным резонатором. Но Sandman также преуспевает в создании традиционных эхо-эффектов и эффектов стереофонического пинг-понга, обеспечивая время задержки от небрежного до более продолжительного.
Seven new delay modes: Classic Tape, Modern Instant, Pitch Shifter, Glitch Shifter, Multi-Tap, Reverse and No Echo
Produces an unparalleled variety of time-based effects, including flanging, phasing, chorus, ping-pong delays, 16-tap delays, automatic double tracking, reverse echoes, reverb, pitch shifting, harmonizing, granular synthesis, percussion resonator, stutter generator, glitch effects and many other effects that defy description
Professionally designed presets from Richard Devine, Julius Dobos (a.k.a. forgotten future), Simon Stockhausen, and Toby Pitman of Air Studios
Delay times range from 5 ms to a whopping 1,000 seconds when used in conjunction with Sample Rate reduction
Sleep buffer can be reversed, re-pitched, down-sampled, trashed with noise, modulated and shaped with built-in lowpass and highpass filters
Every control—including the Sleep and Kill (panic) buttons—can be automated
Unfiltered Audio's flagship modulation system provides six freely assignable and fully automatable modulators (sine LFO, sawtooth/triangle LFO, square-wave LFO, input follower, sample-and-hold noise, and macro control knob), with intuitive drag-and-drop patching to each and every one of Sandman Pro's controls
Left and right channels can have cross-channel feedback and filtering applied and their delay times linked, offset or independently adjusted
Feedback, X-Feed and Diffusion parameters to create thick delay tails or even reverbs
M/S mode outputs Mid and Side signals on left and right channels, transforming Sandman Pro into a mid-side encoder
M/S Width control adjusts the wet signal's stereo field from mono to stereo to super-wide stereo
Soft Clip function provides analog-style saturation at Sandman Pro's inputs and outputs
Waveform display shows the effect of your control tweaks in real time
Система реверберации нефильтрованного звука не похожа ни на одну другую реверберацию. Бесконечно настраиваемый и просто просящийся к автоматизации, он использует мощь детальной обработки для получения невероятно насыщенных и даже потусторонних звуков реверберации, которые вы должны услышать.
SILO разбивает ваши входящие звуки на “зерна” — невероятно короткие фрагменты звука, — которые могут быть обработаны индивидуально. Вы можете регулировать размер, форму, скорость, высоту тона и распределение этих зерен, переворачивать их и обрабатывать отдельно, используя автоматизированные правила для создания новых пространств и эффектов реверберации.
Unfiltered Audio объединяет усилия с суперзвездным продюсером BT для создания реверберации, которая обеспечивает непревзойденное расширение звука и созвучие. Благодаря своему “политональному двойному буферу” и возможностям автоматического приглушения, TAILS автоматически удаляет диссонансы и переходные процессы из ваших хвостов реверберации, сохраняя ваши затухания настолько чистыми и впечатляющими, насколько это возможно.
TAILS анализирует входящий звук, отслеживая основные переходные процессы и изменения нот. Всякий раз, когда достигается его пороговое значение, реверберация мгновенно отключается и переключается на пустой буфер реверберации, который быстро увеличивается. Это приводит к чистому затуханию реверберации, в котором отсутствуют диссонансы от металлических ударов и неконтролируемых нот. Для начала, он может даже предварительно приглушать входящие переходные сигналы, чтобы они никогда не загромождали вашу реверберацию, обеспечивая необычайно плавный "хвост"
После ошеломляющего успеха BYOME, Unfiltered Audio снова взялись за дело со своим последним творением TRIAD. Благодаря возможности разбивать сигнал на три полосы и применять эффекты BYOME к каждой полосе в отдельности, это трехголовое чудовище посрамит остальные ваши плагины.
TRIAD использует огромные возможности своего однополосного предшественника BYOME и обеспечивает новый уровень контроля над множеством встроенных эффектов. В двух словах, TRIAD - это трехдиапазонный разделитель частот, способный обрабатывать низкие, средние и высокие частоты с различными рядами эффектов. От многополосной компрессии до частотно-зависимой реверберации, от сложных искажений до замысловатых задержек, изменения высоты тона и разнообразных эффектов на основе модуляции - все это и многое другое теперь легко настроить и контролировать.
Называть Zip компрессором - все равно что называть Lamborghini легковым автомобилем. Это не воздает должное ни тому, ни другому. Zip создает уникальные эффекты и решает сложные звуковые задачи в мгновение ока, оставляя традиционные компрессоры в пыли.
Zip может обеспечивать как сжатие, так и расширение вниз, переключаясь между процессорами одним щелчком мыши. Шесть режимов анализа — Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness и Tonalness — обеспечивают сжатие или расширение в зависимости от уровня сигнала, частотного содержания или шума, подаваемого на вход Zip. На треках для бас-гитары выберите режим Darkness, чтобы сжать низкие ноты, поглощая при этом пространство для дыхания более высоких нот. Используя режим Noisiness, вы можете заставить компрессор Zip отключаться только на перегруженных аккордах электрогитары, оставляя приглушенные звуки palm на том же треке громкими. Решение необычных звуковых задач для Zip - это детская забава.
Bass-Mint — это новый инновационный инструмент от Unfiltered Audio, предназначенный для быстрого улучшения нижних частот ваших отдельных треков, стемов и даже целых миксов. Он построен вокруг пяти различных режимов, каждый из которых имеет пять тщательно настроенных ручек, которые помогут вам резко лепить и улучшать ваши миксы.
Он построен на пяти различных режимах, каждый из которых оснащен пятью тщательно настроенными регуляторами, которые помогут вам эффектно создавать и улучшать ваши миксы.
Bass-Mint is an innovative new low-frequency enhancement tool from Unfiltered Audio, designed to rapidly improve the bottom end of your individual tracks, stems, and even entire mixes. It is built around five distinct modes, each with five carefully-tuned knobs to help you dramatically sculpt and enhance your mixes.
The heart of Bass-Mint is found in its simple frequency splitter with an adjustable cutoff, which separates the low band from the high band to employ different types of processing on each. From there, each of the five main modes offers new and exciting ways to tweak these high and low parts of the signal through a remarkably simple, creative, and intuitive workflow. Further control is provided via the six additional toggles on the right side of the plugin that switch on essential bass processing techniques at the flip of a switch.
Unfiltered Audio’s Bass-Mint is the only plugin on the market that offers such a diverse control set for low-end enhancement and low-end frequency management alike. From subtle enhancement of low-end frequencies to completely reshaping the frequency spectrum from the subs on up, truly wild things are possible with this plugin. Whether you want to really mess things up for super dirty bass, or simply bring your kick and bass into better balance, Bass-Mint can do practically anything you want to your lows.
Multiband enhancement for separately processing lower and upper frequencies
5 carefully-tuned bass processing modes: Saturate, Resonate, Octave, Synthesize, and Overfold
Minimalist layout with 5 simple, intuitive knobs for dialing in ideal sounds
6 additional toggles to automatically engage popular low end mixing tricks
Instant feedback from onboard Visualizer to see real-time spectral change
LO-FI-AF отправит вас в путешествие по вашим любимым звуковым артефактам последних нескольких десятилетий. Используя импульсные характеристики, формирование спектра и другие методы, он воспроизводит особенности всего - от виниловых пластинок и аналоговых радиоприемников до MP3, компакт-дисков, кассет, мобильных телефонов и не только.
The perfect plugin for when your other plugins sound too perfect
LO-FI-AF brings you on a journey through your favorite audio artifacts of the past few decades. Using impulse responses, spectral shaping, and other techniques, it conjures up the idiosyncrasies of everything from vinyl records and analog radios to MP3s, CDs, cassettes, cell phones and beyond.
Dirt, distortion and degradation from analog to digital
This versatile plugin does much more than other saturators and bit crushers. In addition to the tape saturation, vintage mics, and vinyl dust and pops, it recreates the sound of CD skipping, MP3 chirps, radio interference, and even the chatter made by a cell phone placed too close to a speaker.
Make custom signal chains with 4 unique modules
Each of LO-FI-AF's sections can be toggled and reorganized for a total of 24 different signal paths. Do you want to add some analog grunge before the MP3ification? Sure! Want to make it sound like it was recorded through a busted microphone, burned to a CD, and then scratched up? Why not?! Use it to add vibe and nostalgia to your tracks, or completely demolish source material into something practically unrecognizable.
Grungy on the ear, easy on the eye
LO-FI-AF features a stunning new graphical interface by Papernoise, the designer behind some of the most beautiful music software and hardware around. Its intuitive layout makes all the features visible and available at once without overwhelming the eye. There are 14 skins included, allowing you to find the perfect color combination for your setup and style.
Go beyond standard bitcrushing with artifacts and degradation from MP3s, CDs, vinyl, tape cassettes and more
A Convolution section includes impulse responses from broken microphones antiquated speakers and other special devices
The Spectral section creates pitch shifting, audio rippling, and MP3 artifact effects
The Digital section provides bit crushing, sample rate degradation and CD skipping effects
The Analog section mimics radio interference, tape saturation, vinyl noise, compression, and warbly motors
Rearrange the 4 modules in any order you like for 24 unique signal path combinations
Beautiful and simple to navigate GUI puts all the controls at your fingertips in an easily manageable way
A versatile collection of artifacts and processing not found in other plugins, sure to spice up your productions in new ways
Graphic design by Papernoise, including 14 different skins
LO-FI-AF brings you on a journey through your favorite audio artifacts of the past few decades. Using impulse responses, spectral shaping, and other techniques, it conjures up the idiosyncrasies of everything from vinyl records and analog radios to MP3s, CDs, cassettes, cell phones and beyond.
Dirt, distortion and degradation from analog to digital
This versatile plugin does much more than other saturators and bit crushers. In addition to the tape saturation, vintage mics, and vinyl dust and pops, it recreates the sound of CD skipping, MP3 chirps, radio interference, and even the chatter made by a cell phone placed too close to a speaker.
Make custom signal chains with 4 unique modules
Each of LO-FI-AF's sections can be toggled and reorganized for a total of 24 different signal paths. Do you want to add some analog grunge before the MP3ification? Sure! Want to make it sound like it was recorded through a busted microphone, burned to a CD, and then scratched up? Why not?! Use it to add vibe and nostalgia to your tracks, or completely demolish source material into something practically unrecognizable.
Grungy on the ear, easy on the eye
LO-FI-AF features a stunning new graphical interface by Papernoise, the designer behind some of the most beautiful music software and hardware around. Its intuitive layout makes all the features visible and available at once without overwhelming the eye. There are 14 skins included, allowing you to find the perfect color combination for your setup and style.
Go beyond standard bitcrushing with artifacts and degradation from MP3s, CDs, vinyl, tape cassettes and more
A Convolution section includes impulse responses from broken microphones antiquated speakers and other special devices
The Spectral section creates pitch shifting, audio rippling, and MP3 artifact effects
The Digital section provides bit crushing, sample rate degradation and CD skipping effects
The Analog section mimics radio interference, tape saturation, vinyl noise, compression, and warbly motors
Rearrange the 4 modules in any order you like for 24 unique signal path combinations
Beautiful and simple to navigate GUI puts all the controls at your fingertips in an easily manageable way
A versatile collection of artifacts and processing not found in other plugins, sure to spice up your productions in new ways
Graphic design by Papernoise, including 14 different skins
Unfiltered Audio поднимает планку с помощью Needlepoint: революция в имитации винила. Обладая полным набором передовых технологий физического моделирования, он позволяет глубоко погрузиться в теплое, нечеткое звучание шумов проигрывателя. Используйте его тонко для одной из самых убедительных доступных виниловых эмуляций или отодвиньте иглу далеко за пределы реализма, чтобы получить несколько серьезно искаженных звуков.
The authentic sound of vinyl—and beyond
Unfiltered Audio raises the bar (and lowers the tonearm) with Needlepoint: a revolution in vinyl simulation. Featuring a full platter of advanced physical modeling technology, it offers a deep into the warm, fuzzy sound of turntable noises. Use it subtly for among the most convincing vinyl emulations available, or push the needle far past realism for some seriously warped sounds.
Physical modeling for enhanced realism
While many vinyl plugins are content to use looping samples of vinyl noise, Needlepoint uses physical modeling to achieve its incredible sounds. It synthesizes all sorts and sizes of detritus and distress on a record: hair, dust mites, scratches, warping, and more. These are not randomly modeled, but rather accurately distributed onto a virtually rotating, algorithmic platter.
Classic vinyl effects with creative, next-gen controls
Change the speed of the emulation to alter Needlepoint's tone, going beyond conventional RPMs like 33 1/3, 45, and 78–and even tempo syncing the turntable to your DAW! Use the SPINDOWN button to create classic vinyl stop (and start) sounds. Adjust WOW and FLUTTER, and explore the BROKEN mode to generate unpredictable looping effects and cut-up, glitchy phrases. Or, take advantage of the granular pitch shifter to help you achieve a chopped up vibe without changing the speed of your tracks.
Tone shaping that’s powerful, intuitive, and fun
Beyond noise, ambience, and vinyl effects, Needlepoint includes other processors to help fully etch out your vibe. Chief among them is a single knob compressor that recreates algorithms from famous hardware samplers associated with vinyl-based beatmaking, and can even mimic the analog distortion introduced by the vinyl pressing process.
Complex processing that’s easy to control
Thanks to an interface that’s beautiful to look at and incredibly easy to use—plus an extensive set of handcrafted presets—Needlepoint will help you scratch that nostalgic itch in your productions and add true analog groove to your tracks, whether you need it to be subtle or over-the-top.
Physically modeled vinyl emulation to degrade your audio in persuasively nostalgic ways
Choose from a variety of classic and custom turntable speeds
Warp your sound with continuous control over WOW, FLUTTER and PITCH that’s easy to automate by hand
Use the BROKEN mode for analog-style looping, stutter and glitch effects
A SPINDOWN button for authentic vinyl stop and start effects
Onboard single knob compressor with 6 flavorful modes
Customizable interface with choice of beautiful color schemes
A full suite of handcrafted presets for subtle and severe tonebending alike
Unfiltered Audio raises the bar (and lowers the tonearm) with Needlepoint: a revolution in vinyl simulation. Featuring a full platter of advanced physical modeling technology, it offers a deep into the warm, fuzzy sound of turntable noises. Use it subtly for among the most convincing vinyl emulations available, or push the needle far past realism for some seriously warped sounds.
Physical modeling for enhanced realism
While many vinyl plugins are content to use looping samples of vinyl noise, Needlepoint uses physical modeling to achieve its incredible sounds. It synthesizes all sorts and sizes of detritus and distress on a record: hair, dust mites, scratches, warping, and more. These are not randomly modeled, but rather accurately distributed onto a virtually rotating, algorithmic platter.
Classic vinyl effects with creative, next-gen controls
Change the speed of the emulation to alter Needlepoint's tone, going beyond conventional RPMs like 33 1/3, 45, and 78–and even tempo syncing the turntable to your DAW! Use the SPINDOWN button to create classic vinyl stop (and start) sounds. Adjust WOW and FLUTTER, and explore the BROKEN mode to generate unpredictable looping effects and cut-up, glitchy phrases. Or, take advantage of the granular pitch shifter to help you achieve a chopped up vibe without changing the speed of your tracks.
Tone shaping that’s powerful, intuitive, and fun
Beyond noise, ambience, and vinyl effects, Needlepoint includes other processors to help fully etch out your vibe. Chief among them is a single knob compressor that recreates algorithms from famous hardware samplers associated with vinyl-based beatmaking, and can even mimic the analog distortion introduced by the vinyl pressing process.
Complex processing that’s easy to control
Thanks to an interface that’s beautiful to look at and incredibly easy to use—plus an extensive set of handcrafted presets—Needlepoint will help you scratch that nostalgic itch in your productions and add true analog groove to your tracks, whether you need it to be subtle or over-the-top.
Physically modeled vinyl emulation to degrade your audio in persuasively nostalgic ways
Choose from a variety of classic and custom turntable speeds
Warp your sound with continuous control over WOW, FLUTTER and PITCH that’s easy to automate by hand
Use the BROKEN mode for analog-style looping, stutter and glitch effects
A SPINDOWN button for authentic vinyl stop and start effects
Onboard single knob compressor with 6 flavorful modes
Customizable interface with choice of beautiful color schemes
A full suite of handcrafted presets for subtle and severe tonebending alike
Sandman Pro
С момента своего выпуска Sandman от Unfiltered Audio поразил инженеров по микшированию, звукорежиссеров и ди-джеев своей гениальностью.
Дилей плагин с сильным нарколептическим уклоном, Sandman использует свой Sleep mode для замораживания буфер дилея для создания потрясающих лупов и зернистости, которым можно изменять высоту тона, уменьшать сэмплирование, воспроизводить в обратном порядке, загрязнять шумом и модулировать - преобразуя и мутируя звуки до неузнаваемости!
Используя очень короткое время задержки, Sandman попеременно становится фленджером, stutter генератором, волновым синтезатором или перкуссионным резонатором. Но Sandman также преуспевает в создании традиционных эхо-эффектов и эффектов стереофонического пинг-понга, обеспечивая время задержки от небрежного до более продолжительного.
Since its release, Unfiltered Audio's Sandman has wowed mix engineers, sound designers and DJs alike with its slice-and-dice genius. A delay plugin with a severe narcoleptic bent, Sandman uses its Sleep mode to freeze its delay buffer to create stunning loops and grains that can be re-pitched, down-sampled, played in reverse, dirtied with noise and modulated— transforming and mutating sounds beyond all recognition! Using very short delay times, the shape-shifting Sandman alternately becomes a flanger, stutter generator, wavetable synthesizer or percussion resonator. But Sandman also excels at producing traditional echo and stereo ping-pong effects, providing delay times ranging from slapback to longer than a coffee break.
Never satisfied for long, the mad scientists at Unfiltered Audio have pushed Sandman's versatility up several notches. The new Sandman Pro adds seven new delay modes— each fitted with its own set of adjustable controls—that greatly expand its sonic palette while driving maximum delay times to a staggering 16 minutes. Use Classic Tape mode to lather echoes, loops and grains with virtual tape saturation, wow and flutter. The artifact-free Multi-Tap mode gives you a whopping 16 simultaneous delay lines to bless vocals and guitar solos with mammoth doubling and stadium-size echo effects. Use the ultra-smooth Reverse mode to produce click-free, haunting reverse echoes. Unlike with using other delays, you can modulate Sandman Pro's delay time in Modern Instant mode without producing audible pitch artifacts—great for cleanly transitioning vocal effects from doubling to echo trails at the end of a phrase. Use the dual-mono Pitch Shifter mode to create vocal harmonies, classic shimmer effects, metallic textures and more. Or use Glitch Shifter mode for funky pitch shifting that sounds, um, just plain wrong! Not messed up enough? Modulate the Sleep button in No Echo mode for crazy stutter and glitch effects. Sandman Pro can sound squeaky clean, severely damaged or anything in between.
But there's more. Sandman Pro now includes Unfiltered Audio's flagship modulation system, tripling the number of fully automatable modulation blocks to six and adding input followers and macro knobs. Every one of Sandman Pro's controls is automatable. Using high feedback levels, the new diffusion network layers reverb with your echoes and multi-tap delays. And with stereo delays, you can offset the left and right delay times and apply cross-channel feedback to create intricate polyrhythmic ping-pong echoes and phase-y Sleep-buffer loops. Reverse the Sleep buffer to transform grains with backward envelopes. Or lock the length of the buffer and adjust its start and end points to change the grain's pitch. Built-in lowpass and highpass filters sculpt your mad creation's timbre, while the new Soft Clip function adds analog-style saturation. M/S mode works with the Width control to blend mid and side channels in left- and right-channel outputs, transforming Sandman Pro into a mid-side encoder. M/S Width control adjusts the wet signal's stereo field from mono to stereo to super-wide stereo.
Brimming with new features, from beautiful to bizarre, Sandman Pro is the indisputable Swiss army knife of the delay world.
Seven new delay modes: Classic Tape, Modern Instant, Pitch Shifter, Glitch Shifter, Multi-Tap, Reverse and No Echo
Produces an unparalleled variety of time-based effects, including flanging, phasing, chorus, ping-pong delays, 16-tap delays, automatic double tracking, reverse echoes, reverb, pitch shifting, harmonizing, granular synthesis, percussion resonator, stutter generator, glitch effects and many other effects that defy description
Professionally designed presets from Richard Devine, Julius Dobos (a.k.a. forgotten future), Simon Stockhausen, and Toby Pitman of Air Studios
Delay times range from 5 ms to a whopping 1,000 seconds when used in conjunction with Sample Rate reduction
Sleep buffer can be reversed, re-pitched, down-sampled, trashed with noise, modulated and shaped with built-in lowpass and highpass filters
Every control—including the Sleep and Kill (panic) buttons—can be automated
Unfiltered Audio's flagship modulation system provides six freely assignable and fully automatable modulators (sine LFO, sawtooth/triangle LFO, square-wave LFO, input follower, sample-and-hold noise, and macro control knob), with intuitive drag-and-drop patching to each and every one of Sandman Pro's controls
Left and right channels can have cross-channel feedback and filtering applied and their delay times linked, offset or independently adjusted
Feedback, X-Feed and Diffusion parameters to create thick delay tails or even reverbs
M/S mode outputs Mid and Side signals on left and right channels, transforming Sandman Pro into a mid-side encoder
M/S Width control adjusts the wet signal's stereo field from mono to stereo to super-wide stereo
Soft Clip function provides analog-style saturation at Sandman Pro's inputs and outputs
Waveform display shows the effect of your control tweaks in real time
Система реверберации нефильтрованного звука не похожа ни на одну другую реверберацию. Бесконечно настраиваемый и просто просящийся к автоматизации, он использует мощь детальной обработки для получения невероятно насыщенных и даже потусторонних звуков реверберации, которые вы должны услышать.
SILO разбивает ваши входящие звуки на “зерна” — невероятно короткие фрагменты звука, — которые могут быть обработаны индивидуально. Вы можете регулировать размер, форму, скорость, высоту тона и распределение этих зерен, переворачивать их и обрабатывать отдельно, используя автоматизированные правила для создания новых пространств и эффектов реверберации.
Space like you've never heard it before
Unfiltered Audio’s SILO is unlike any other reverb out there. Endlessly tweakable and just begging to be automated, it harnesses the power of granular processing for incredibly rich and even otherworldly reverb sounds you have to hear to believe.
Powerful enough for sound design, musical enough for your mixes
SILO breaks up your incoming sounds into “grains”—incredibly short snippets of audio—which can be processed individually. You’re able to adjust the size, shape, speed, pitch, and spread of these grains, reverse them and process them separately using automated rules to create novel spaces and reverb effects.
Packed with presets and full of possibilities
This reverb is a tweakhead’s delight. If you like to play with knobs and see where they take you, SILO will quickly become one of your favorite plugins. You can adjust a half dozen parameters for grain generation and treat them using an array of distinct “movement” algorithms with colorful names like “Comets”, “Moons”, “Meteors”, “Stars” and “Shimmer”. For creating fascinating new sounds with a minimum of fuss, try the robust library of presets from top sound mixers and designers like Richard Devine.
Pan your sound in multiple dimensions
One of the areas where SILO excels most is in creating width and movement in what feels like a truly three-dimensional space. With modes that function almost like a multi-dimensional autopanner, you’ll hear your sounds swirling around you with depth, intrigue, and spatialization that it’s difficult to get from any other type of tool.
A distinct class of processor
Granular processing has been part of the sound design world throughout the 21st century, but only recently has it begun making bigger waves in the realm of music production. Unfiltered Audio’s SILO gives you some of the most control possible over the process while still retaining a straightforward and easy-to-use interface—perfect for music production and sound design alike. Use it to completely reshape synths, vocals, and percussion, subtly sweeten them or create entirely new sound effects for video and post-production.
Granular processing allows for unusual and previously unheard reverb effects
Control the grains’ size, shape, speed, pitch, level, and more
Select from distinct movement types including “Comets”, “Moons”, “Meteors”, “Stars” and “Shimmer”
Integrated filter section and spatialization controls
Onboard compression and maximization functions
Wet/dry knob
Customizable color themes
A library of presets from mixers and sound designers like Richard Devine for dialing in compelling sounds in a single click
Unfiltered Audio’s SILO is unlike any other reverb out there. Endlessly tweakable and just begging to be automated, it harnesses the power of granular processing for incredibly rich and even otherworldly reverb sounds you have to hear to believe.
Powerful enough for sound design, musical enough for your mixes
SILO breaks up your incoming sounds into “grains”—incredibly short snippets of audio—which can be processed individually. You’re able to adjust the size, shape, speed, pitch, and spread of these grains, reverse them and process them separately using automated rules to create novel spaces and reverb effects.
Packed with presets and full of possibilities
This reverb is a tweakhead’s delight. If you like to play with knobs and see where they take you, SILO will quickly become one of your favorite plugins. You can adjust a half dozen parameters for grain generation and treat them using an array of distinct “movement” algorithms with colorful names like “Comets”, “Moons”, “Meteors”, “Stars” and “Shimmer”. For creating fascinating new sounds with a minimum of fuss, try the robust library of presets from top sound mixers and designers like Richard Devine.
Pan your sound in multiple dimensions
One of the areas where SILO excels most is in creating width and movement in what feels like a truly three-dimensional space. With modes that function almost like a multi-dimensional autopanner, you’ll hear your sounds swirling around you with depth, intrigue, and spatialization that it’s difficult to get from any other type of tool.
A distinct class of processor
Granular processing has been part of the sound design world throughout the 21st century, but only recently has it begun making bigger waves in the realm of music production. Unfiltered Audio’s SILO gives you some of the most control possible over the process while still retaining a straightforward and easy-to-use interface—perfect for music production and sound design alike. Use it to completely reshape synths, vocals, and percussion, subtly sweeten them or create entirely new sound effects for video and post-production.
Granular processing allows for unusual and previously unheard reverb effects
Control the grains’ size, shape, speed, pitch, level, and more
Select from distinct movement types including “Comets”, “Moons”, “Meteors”, “Stars” and “Shimmer”
Integrated filter section and spatialization controls
Onboard compression and maximization functions
Wet/dry knob
Customizable color themes
A library of presets from mixers and sound designers like Richard Devine for dialing in compelling sounds in a single click
Unfiltered Audio объединяет усилия с суперзвездным продюсером BT для создания реверберации, которая обеспечивает непревзойденное расширение звука и созвучие. Благодаря своему “политональному двойному буферу” и возможностям автоматического приглушения, TAILS автоматически удаляет диссонансы и переходные процессы из ваших хвостов реверберации, сохраняя ваши затухания настолько чистыми и впечатляющими, насколько это возможно.
TAILS анализирует входящий звук, отслеживая основные переходные процессы и изменения нот. Всякий раз, когда достигается его пороговое значение, реверберация мгновенно отключается и переключается на пустой буфер реверберации, который быстро увеличивается. Это приводит к чистому затуханию реверберации, в котором отсутствуют диссонансы от металлических ударов и неконтролируемых нот. Для начала, он может даже предварительно приглушать входящие переходные сигналы, чтобы они никогда не загромождали вашу реверберацию, обеспечивая необычайно плавный "хвост"
A next-generation reverb that’s creative and clean
Unfiltered Audio joins forces with superstar producer BT to create a reverb that provides unparalleled sound expansion and consonance. Thanks to its “polytonal dual buffer” and auto-ducking capabilities, TAILS automatically removes dissonances and transients from your reverb tails, keeping your decays as clean and impressive as possible.
Unique filter capabilities
TAILS analyzes incoming audio, listening for major transients and note changes. Whenever its threshold is met, the reverb instantly ducks and switches over to an empty reverb buffer, which blooms rapidly. This results in a clean reverb decay that is free of discord from metallic hits and out-of-key notes. It can even pre-duck incoming transients to keep them from ever cluttering up your reverb, to begin with, providing a tail that’s unusually smooth.
Four reverb engines in one
TAILS features multiple reverb engines for even more creative choices, including the beautiful new SHIMMER mode, tuned to BT’s exacting tastes. Also on board are the classic DEEP and RENOUN modes found in BYOME, and the surreal SPATIAL mode from SILO.
Powerful & CPU efficient enough
Even with all of these wild features, TAILS is the perfect workhorse reverb. With less than 1% CPU usage on an M1 Macbook Air, you'll be able to add Tails to any track without worrying about it. Advanced MIDI integration allows you to use note messages to mute the buffer for rhythmic interest and precise editing, and to create unique performance opportunities with the Mod and Pitch Wheels.
Endlessly clean and creative reverb developed by Unfiltered Audio and BT
Polytonal, dual-buffer reverb provides maximum harmonicity and consonance
Auto-ducking feature preemptively removes transients from the reverb tail
Four unique reverb algorithms: DEEP, RENOUN, SPATIAL, and the new “SHIMMER” mode
Shockingly low CPU load allows it to be inserted across multiple tracks with ease
Advanced MIDI integration allows you to perform unique control changes, warping your reverb in real time
Unfiltered Audio joins forces with superstar producer BT to create a reverb that provides unparalleled sound expansion and consonance. Thanks to its “polytonal dual buffer” and auto-ducking capabilities, TAILS automatically removes dissonances and transients from your reverb tails, keeping your decays as clean and impressive as possible.
Unique filter capabilities
TAILS analyzes incoming audio, listening for major transients and note changes. Whenever its threshold is met, the reverb instantly ducks and switches over to an empty reverb buffer, which blooms rapidly. This results in a clean reverb decay that is free of discord from metallic hits and out-of-key notes. It can even pre-duck incoming transients to keep them from ever cluttering up your reverb, to begin with, providing a tail that’s unusually smooth.
Four reverb engines in one
TAILS features multiple reverb engines for even more creative choices, including the beautiful new SHIMMER mode, tuned to BT’s exacting tastes. Also on board are the classic DEEP and RENOUN modes found in BYOME, and the surreal SPATIAL mode from SILO.
Powerful & CPU efficient enough
Even with all of these wild features, TAILS is the perfect workhorse reverb. With less than 1% CPU usage on an M1 Macbook Air, you'll be able to add Tails to any track without worrying about it. Advanced MIDI integration allows you to use note messages to mute the buffer for rhythmic interest and precise editing, and to create unique performance opportunities with the Mod and Pitch Wheels.
Endlessly clean and creative reverb developed by Unfiltered Audio and BT
Polytonal, dual-buffer reverb provides maximum harmonicity and consonance
Auto-ducking feature preemptively removes transients from the reverb tail
Four unique reverb algorithms: DEEP, RENOUN, SPATIAL, and the new “SHIMMER” mode
Shockingly low CPU load allows it to be inserted across multiple tracks with ease
Advanced MIDI integration allows you to perform unique control changes, warping your reverb in real time
После ошеломляющего успеха BYOME, Unfiltered Audio снова взялись за дело со своим последним творением TRIAD. Благодаря возможности разбивать сигнал на три полосы и применять эффекты BYOME к каждой полосе в отдельности, это трехголовое чудовище посрамит остальные ваши плагины.
TRIAD использует огромные возможности своего однополосного предшественника BYOME и обеспечивает новый уровень контроля над множеством встроенных эффектов. В двух словах, TRIAD - это трехдиапазонный разделитель частот, способный обрабатывать низкие, средние и высокие частоты с различными рядами эффектов. От многополосной компрессии до частотно-зависимой реверберации, от сложных искажений до замысловатых задержек, изменения высоты тона и разнообразных эффектов на основе модуляции - все это и многое другое теперь легко настроить и контролировать.
BYOME Times Three. The World’s Most Advanced Multi-Band Processor.
They say that good things come in threes… And they are absolutely right!
After the smashing success of BYOME, Unfiltered Audio is at it again with their latest creation, TRIAD. With the ability to split up the signal into three bands and apply BYOME effects to each band individually, this three-headed beast will put the rest of your plugins to shame.
TRIAD takes the huge possibilities of its single-band predecessor BYOME and brings a new level of control to the myriad onboard effects. In a nutshell, TRIAD is a three-band frequency splitter capable of processing the low, mid, and high frequencies with different effect rows. From multi-band compression to frequency dependent reverb, complex distortions to intricate delays, pitch shifting and a variety of modulation based effects, all of this and much is now a breeze to setup and control.
Even without adding any of the effects, TRIAD can be used a “flat-sum” frequency splitter with adjustable cutoff points. An awesome looking FFT visualizer displays the signal and allows for precise control over the band amplitudes and cutoffs on the fly. Well-crafted tools like 'Auto Cutoff' and 'Unity Gain' will keep the frequency distribution balanced between the bands, or even adjust the amplitude ratio without changing the overall volume. Need to hear something more critically? You can easily solo or mute out any of the individual bands with one click.
Furthermore, you can change the frequency splitting into a number of other threefold processors: Parallel + Serial, Mid-Side, Left-Right, and more. Many modes have a flexible Pre/Post row that can quickly swap positions from the start of the chain to the end, quickly turning the tables on your patch for rapid sound design workflows.
Speaking of rapid workflows, TRIAD features a unique “Permutation” engine that rotates the function of each active band. Do you have an awesome delay setup on your mid-band, but would rather hear it on your high-band? Simply click the Permutation arrows to hear it without destroying the rest of your preset. Many dedicated presets have been created by master artists and sound designers to showcase TRIAD's unique capabilities, from workhorse frequency splitting to the most advanced mid-side processor around.
Flat-Sum Frequency Splitter with adjustable per-band gain automatically routed to multiple BYOME effect rows
Mid-Side, Left-Right, and Parallel modes are also included for maximum effect routing possibilities
Quick workflow features: permutate, per-row load/save/copy/paste, and an interactive visualizer
Dynamic Spectral Snap feature allows automatic frequency cutoff balancing- the first such effect in the industry
Individual low/mid/high band outputs are available in most DAWs, meaning that Triad can be used as a fully routable splitter
Variable slope allows you to change from smooth band transitions to razor sharp cutoffs (12dB to 72dB per octave)
Loads all BYOME presets
They say that good things come in threes… And they are absolutely right!
After the smashing success of BYOME, Unfiltered Audio is at it again with their latest creation, TRIAD. With the ability to split up the signal into three bands and apply BYOME effects to each band individually, this three-headed beast will put the rest of your plugins to shame.
TRIAD takes the huge possibilities of its single-band predecessor BYOME and brings a new level of control to the myriad onboard effects. In a nutshell, TRIAD is a three-band frequency splitter capable of processing the low, mid, and high frequencies with different effect rows. From multi-band compression to frequency dependent reverb, complex distortions to intricate delays, pitch shifting and a variety of modulation based effects, all of this and much is now a breeze to setup and control.
Even without adding any of the effects, TRIAD can be used a “flat-sum” frequency splitter with adjustable cutoff points. An awesome looking FFT visualizer displays the signal and allows for precise control over the band amplitudes and cutoffs on the fly. Well-crafted tools like 'Auto Cutoff' and 'Unity Gain' will keep the frequency distribution balanced between the bands, or even adjust the amplitude ratio without changing the overall volume. Need to hear something more critically? You can easily solo or mute out any of the individual bands with one click.
Furthermore, you can change the frequency splitting into a number of other threefold processors: Parallel + Serial, Mid-Side, Left-Right, and more. Many modes have a flexible Pre/Post row that can quickly swap positions from the start of the chain to the end, quickly turning the tables on your patch for rapid sound design workflows.
Speaking of rapid workflows, TRIAD features a unique “Permutation” engine that rotates the function of each active band. Do you have an awesome delay setup on your mid-band, but would rather hear it on your high-band? Simply click the Permutation arrows to hear it without destroying the rest of your preset. Many dedicated presets have been created by master artists and sound designers to showcase TRIAD's unique capabilities, from workhorse frequency splitting to the most advanced mid-side processor around.
Flat-Sum Frequency Splitter with adjustable per-band gain automatically routed to multiple BYOME effect rows
Mid-Side, Left-Right, and Parallel modes are also included for maximum effect routing possibilities
Quick workflow features: permutate, per-row load/save/copy/paste, and an interactive visualizer
Dynamic Spectral Snap feature allows automatic frequency cutoff balancing- the first such effect in the industry
Individual low/mid/high band outputs are available in most DAWs, meaning that Triad can be used as a fully routable splitter
Variable slope allows you to change from smooth band transitions to razor sharp cutoffs (12dB to 72dB per octave)
Loads all BYOME presets
Называть Zip компрессором - все равно что называть Lamborghini легковым автомобилем. Это не воздает должное ни тому, ни другому. Zip создает уникальные эффекты и решает сложные звуковые задачи в мгновение ока, оставляя традиционные компрессоры в пыли.
Zip может обеспечивать как сжатие, так и расширение вниз, переключаясь между процессорами одним щелчком мыши. Шесть режимов анализа — Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness и Tonalness — обеспечивают сжатие или расширение в зависимости от уровня сигнала, частотного содержания или шума, подаваемого на вход Zip. На треках для бас-гитары выберите режим Darkness, чтобы сжать низкие ноты, поглощая при этом пространство для дыхания более высоких нот. Используя режим Noisiness, вы можете заставить компрессор Zip отключаться только на перегруженных аккордах электрогитары, оставляя приглушенные звуки palm на том же треке громкими. Решение необычных звуковых задач для Zip - это детская забава.
The Most Creative Compressor You’ve Ever Seen
Calling Zip a compressor is like calling a Lamborghini a passenger car. It does neither one justice. Zip creates unique effects and solves thorny audio challenges in a flash, leaving traditional compressors in the dust.
Zip can provide both compression and downward expansion, switching between processors with one mouse click. Six Analysis modes—Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness and Tonalness—spark compression or expansion depending on the signal level, frequency content or noise feeding Zip’s input. On bass guitar tracks, select Darkness mode to compress headroom-eating low notes while giving higher-pitched notes room to breathe. Using Noisiness mode, you can make Zip’s compressor clamp down only on overdriven electric guitar chords while leaving palm mutes on the same track loud and proud. Solving unusual audio challenges is child’s play for Zip.
Four Envelope Styles—Classic, Goopy, Quick and Extreme—modify Zip’s attack and release curves, tailoring them to your specific needs. Use Extreme’s lightning-fast response on drum room mics to explode the room’s ambience while simultaneously making the kick and snare sound tighter and punchier. On full mixes, Zip’s Classic style and High Pass filtering in the sidechain will make your mix’s bottom end thunder. Or use Goopy style to add vintage glue and density. Zip has many flavors.
For producing creative effects, Zip includes Unfiltered Audio’s flagship automatable modulation system. Eight different internal modulators, as well as a patch to an external ROLI Lightpad, can be used—up to six modulators at once—on most of Zip’s controls, with each modulator routed to as many destinations as you’d like using simple drag-and-drop technique. Using the modulators, you can easily create driving rhythmic effects that pulse in time with your music—without hassling with complicated external sidechain routing. Drag the square wave LFO’s virtual cable to the expander’s Threshold control to transform a static synth pad into a dynamic staccato keyboard part synched to your song’s tempo. Animate a lifeless synth track by patching Zip’s sawtooth LFO to the compressor’s Ratio knob, creating a Big Room EDM-style ducking effect that makes the synth swell in sync with the kick drum. Route the 16th-note Step Sequencer to Zip’s output gain to turn the plugin into a punchy Trance gate. Create a classic tremolo effect by patching the sine wave LFO to Zip’s output gain. The creative possibilities are endless.
For the final touch, Zip’s Color control lets you apply warm saturation, bright phase-modulated distortion, mangling bitcrushing or any of four 2-pole filters at the plugin’s output. Dial in a little bit of the vivid Contrast effect to fatten up female vocals and make drums pop. Two of Zip’s 2-pole filters are modulated by Analysis modes; use them in Noisiness mode on a synth track to make note attacks whipsaw its timbre. Patch Zip’s LFOs to the Color knob to create tempo-synched filter sweeps and pulsating distortion on guitar and keyboard tracks. Zip sculpts both dynamics and tone.
Smashing drums, supersizing vocals, and transforming a boring pad into a Trance anthem—Zip does it all!
Full NKS (Native Kontrol Standard) Support
Unique Analysis modes and state-of-the-art modulation system turn Zip’s compressor and expander into tools for creating riveting effects and solving difficult audio challenges
Six Analysis modes—Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness and Tonalness—make Zip’s processors react more to signal level, frequency content or noise
Four Envelope Styles—Classic, Goopy, Quick and Extreme—modify Zip’s attack and release curves, providing a selection of four differently behaving compressor/expanders in one plugin
Unfiltered Audio’s flagship automatable modulation system provides eight different internal modulators and a patch to an external ROLI Lightpad, all patchable—up to six modulators at once—to most of Zip’s controls
Modulators include Sine, Sawtooth/Triangle and Square LFOs; Input Follower; Macro Control; Sample and Hold Noise; Step Sequencer; ROLI Lightpad; and Gain Reduction
Continuously variable Color control provides post-dynamics processing in seven modes, respectively offering phase-modulated distortion, soft saturation, bitcrushing, and four 2-pole pass filters (two of which feature cutoffs modulated by Zip’s Analysis modes)
Internal and external sidechains are equipped with High Pass and Low Pass filters and an Audition button for hearing the signal the detector acts on
Controls for wet/dry mix (for parallel compression), lookahead (affecting both sidechains), switchable peak or RMS detection, and automatic makeup gain
Informative real-time display graphically depicts the current threshold, ratio and knee, and shows multi-colored traces for sidechain, output and gain reduction levels
Calling Zip a compressor is like calling a Lamborghini a passenger car. It does neither one justice. Zip creates unique effects and solves thorny audio challenges in a flash, leaving traditional compressors in the dust.
Zip can provide both compression and downward expansion, switching between processors with one mouse click. Six Analysis modes—Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness and Tonalness—spark compression or expansion depending on the signal level, frequency content or noise feeding Zip’s input. On bass guitar tracks, select Darkness mode to compress headroom-eating low notes while giving higher-pitched notes room to breathe. Using Noisiness mode, you can make Zip’s compressor clamp down only on overdriven electric guitar chords while leaving palm mutes on the same track loud and proud. Solving unusual audio challenges is child’s play for Zip.
Four Envelope Styles—Classic, Goopy, Quick and Extreme—modify Zip’s attack and release curves, tailoring them to your specific needs. Use Extreme’s lightning-fast response on drum room mics to explode the room’s ambience while simultaneously making the kick and snare sound tighter and punchier. On full mixes, Zip’s Classic style and High Pass filtering in the sidechain will make your mix’s bottom end thunder. Or use Goopy style to add vintage glue and density. Zip has many flavors.
For producing creative effects, Zip includes Unfiltered Audio’s flagship automatable modulation system. Eight different internal modulators, as well as a patch to an external ROLI Lightpad, can be used—up to six modulators at once—on most of Zip’s controls, with each modulator routed to as many destinations as you’d like using simple drag-and-drop technique. Using the modulators, you can easily create driving rhythmic effects that pulse in time with your music—without hassling with complicated external sidechain routing. Drag the square wave LFO’s virtual cable to the expander’s Threshold control to transform a static synth pad into a dynamic staccato keyboard part synched to your song’s tempo. Animate a lifeless synth track by patching Zip’s sawtooth LFO to the compressor’s Ratio knob, creating a Big Room EDM-style ducking effect that makes the synth swell in sync with the kick drum. Route the 16th-note Step Sequencer to Zip’s output gain to turn the plugin into a punchy Trance gate. Create a classic tremolo effect by patching the sine wave LFO to Zip’s output gain. The creative possibilities are endless.
For the final touch, Zip’s Color control lets you apply warm saturation, bright phase-modulated distortion, mangling bitcrushing or any of four 2-pole filters at the plugin’s output. Dial in a little bit of the vivid Contrast effect to fatten up female vocals and make drums pop. Two of Zip’s 2-pole filters are modulated by Analysis modes; use them in Noisiness mode on a synth track to make note attacks whipsaw its timbre. Patch Zip’s LFOs to the Color knob to create tempo-synched filter sweeps and pulsating distortion on guitar and keyboard tracks. Zip sculpts both dynamics and tone.
Smashing drums, supersizing vocals, and transforming a boring pad into a Trance anthem—Zip does it all!
Full NKS (Native Kontrol Standard) Support
Unique Analysis modes and state-of-the-art modulation system turn Zip’s compressor and expander into tools for creating riveting effects and solving difficult audio challenges
Six Analysis modes—Amplitude, Quietness, Brightness, Darkness, Noisiness and Tonalness—make Zip’s processors react more to signal level, frequency content or noise
Four Envelope Styles—Classic, Goopy, Quick and Extreme—modify Zip’s attack and release curves, providing a selection of four differently behaving compressor/expanders in one plugin
Unfiltered Audio’s flagship automatable modulation system provides eight different internal modulators and a patch to an external ROLI Lightpad, all patchable—up to six modulators at once—to most of Zip’s controls
Modulators include Sine, Sawtooth/Triangle and Square LFOs; Input Follower; Macro Control; Sample and Hold Noise; Step Sequencer; ROLI Lightpad; and Gain Reduction
Continuously variable Color control provides post-dynamics processing in seven modes, respectively offering phase-modulated distortion, soft saturation, bitcrushing, and four 2-pole pass filters (two of which feature cutoffs modulated by Zip’s Analysis modes)
Internal and external sidechains are equipped with High Pass and Low Pass filters and an Audition button for hearing the signal the detector acts on
Controls for wet/dry mix (for parallel compression), lookahead (affecting both sidechains), switchable peak or RMS detection, and automatic makeup gain
Informative real-time display graphically depicts the current threshold, ratio and knee, and shows multi-colored traces for sidechain, output and gain reduction levels
- BassMint v1.1.6
- LO-FI-AF v1.1.8
- Needlepoint v1.0.5
- Sandman Pro v1.4.1
- Silo v1.1.6
- Tails v1.0.8
- TRIAD v1.3.3
- ZIP v1.4.1
Инсталляторы пролечены TCD(TeamCubeadooby)
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